Distilled Water

Many people assume that distilled water, filtered water and bottled water are the same thing and use the terms interchangeably. The truth is they are three very different versions of water. All three are free of chloride and fluoride that may be added to tap water, but there is more to water than the additives your city uses. Find out the difference between the three and why you might use distilled water.

  • Filtered Water

Filtered water is typically filtered through an activated carbon filter to remove pathogens, heavy metals, parasites, radon and pesticides. These are the filters you find under the sink or in tabletop pitchers. Filtered water is free of harmful substances, but still contains some minerals.

  • Bottled Water

Not all bottled water is the same. Spring water and mineral water have been sterilized and any harmful particles have been removed, but they still contain naturally occurring minerals. Purified bottled water has been sterilized and does not contain any minerals.

  • Distilled Water

Distilled water is pure hydrogen and oxygen molecules. It is made by boiling the water in a still and capturing the steam. Because the steam that escapes is free of minerals commonly found in drinking water, the resulting ‘distilled water’ is pure.

What is Distilled Water Used For?

Distilled water is used in steam irons to prevent clogging from the minerals in drinking water. It is also used in automotives to fill radiators and batteries for the same reason. Some other common uses include:

  • Cooking: Some people use distilled water for cooking as it is tasteless and allows the natural flavors of herbs and spices to be tasted. It is also thought to prevent discoloration in vegetables and to enhance their flavor.
  • Medical and Dental Equipment: Some medical and dental equipment uses distilled water because it is sterile and because there are no minerals to cause a buildup inside the equipment.
  • Cosmetics: Distilled water is also used in cosmetics and beauty products because it is pure and does not add minerals to the product and does not interact with other natural ingredients.